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Shine Blonde Hair And Spa Salon

About Shine Blonde Hair And Spa Salon

Shine Blonde Hair And Spa Salon is one of the most popular unisex spa & salons situated in A.J.C Bose Road. The salon is dedicated to providing memorable experience to each customer through exceptional services. Shine Blonde specializes in services such as hair styling, facial, pedicure, manicure, waxing, body polishing, body massage and more.

Shine Blonde Hair And Spa Salon has a total of 3 outlets in India. Shine Blonde Hair And Spa Salon is best known for Facial, Manicure, Pedicure, Haircut, Hair Spa, Body Polishing, Body Massage, Hair Smoothening, Keratin Treatment. Take a look at the rate card to learn more about the services and it's price range.


Today: 10:30 AM to 8:30 PM

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Monday: 10:30 AM to 8:30 PM

Tuesday: 10:30 AM to 8:30 PM

Wednesday: 10:30 AM to 8:30 PM

Thursday: 10:30 AM to 8:30 PM

Friday: 10:30 AM to 8:30 PM

Sunday: 10:30 AM to 8:30 PM


Facial, Manicure, Pedicure, Haircut, Hair Spa, Body Polishing, Body Massage, Hair Smoothening, Keratin Treatment

Known for

Shine Blonde Hair And Spa Salon Location(s)

  • Kolkata
  • 220, Opposite La Martine Girls School, A.J.C Bose Road, Mullick Bazar, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700017

  • Guwahati
  • 2nd Floor, Above West Side, GS Road, Christian Basti, Guwahati, Assam - 781005

  • 1st Floor, Golden Wood, Opposite NRL Petrol Pump, Zoo Road, Guwahati, Assam - 781024

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Disclaimer Note:- Rate-Card (including prices) for Shine Blonde Hair And Spa Salon may have changed since the last time the website was updated. does not guarantee the prices mentioned above. Any decision taken by the Shine Blonde Hair And Spa Salon regarding the price of its services is final. Images are for representation purpose only. Applicable taxes extra.