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About Vedic Healers

Ayurveda is a Vedic herbal system of India, derived from two Sanskrit words, Ayu, meaning life and Veda, which means knowledge. Hence, Ayurveda means knowledge of life. Vedic Healers is a premium centre which brings back the ancient science of Ayurveda to contemporary life by combining ancient wisdom with modern scientific reasoning. Located in Gurgaon, the centre provides all traditional and authentic Ayurvedic therapies like Panchkarma (Vaman, Virechan, Vasti, Nasyam & Raktamokshana), which is the ultimate Ayurvedic detoxification, Abhyanga and Swedan full body massage and medicated steam bath Shirodhara, an Ayurvedic oil head bath. Vedic Healers also provides specially formulated packages for weight reduction, rejuvenation, stress management and beauty enhancing treatments. Besides these extensive therapies, well-qualified Ayurvedic physicians are also available for consultation on different ailments.

Vedic Healers has 2 outlets. Vedic Healers offers a range of spa services and has special expertise in Body Massage, Body Spa. You can refer to the rate card for more information about the services as well as the pricing. Reviewed 2 time(s), [MERCHANTNAME] has received user ratings of 5.


Body Massage, Body Spa

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Vedic Healers Reviews

Vedic Healers
04 September 2013

vedic healers is a good ayurvedic clinic. the different ayurveda treatments are available here like hair care, eye care , skin care , joint and arthritis and many more. there are various packages are available for weight loss, rejuvenation and beauty enhancing treatments. the best and well qualified...

vedic healers is a good ayurvedic clinic. the different ayurveda treatments are available here like hair care, eye care , skin care , joint and arthritis and many more. there are various packages are available for weight loss, rejuvenation and beauty enhancing treatments. the best and well qualified ayurvedic physicians are available for consultation. the body massage is awesome. the prices of the services are so much reasonable and affordable to all.

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Vedic Healers
22 May 2013

Vedic healers is the best beauty centre. The best grooming packages are available. The staff is very best and active. The best beauty products are used here. The service is very best. The message are done here.

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Disclaimer Note:- Rate-Card (including prices) for Vedic Healers may have changed since the last time the website was updated. does not guarantee the prices mentioned above. Any decision taken by the Vedic Healers regarding the price of its services is final. Images are for representation purpose only. Applicable taxes extra.