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About Aastha Spa

Born out of a sincere understanding and passion for wellness, Aastha Spa focuses on the physical, emotional and mental well-being of its clients. Leave stress, tension and troubles behind as the experienced massage therapists at Aastha Spa help your mind relax and regain its balance, while working their magic spell on your skin to make it soft and smooth. Feel the build-up of daily stress and difficulties be gently kneaded away during the different massage therapies, scrubs and rituals.

Located at Park Street in Kolkata, Aastha Spa is a recognized spa. There are more than 12 services offered at Aastha Spa and they are great in Skin And Body Care, Herbal Scrub Massage, Reflexology Massage, Mud Therapy, Milk Massage, Buttermilk Massage, Fruit Juice Massage, Honey Massage, Shirodhara, Ayurvedic Full Body Massage, Nasyam, Towel Steam.


Skin And Body Care, Herbal Scrub Massage, Reflexology Massage, Mud Therapy, Milk Massage, Buttermilk Massage, Fruit Juice Massage, Honey Massage, Shirodhara, Ayurvedic Full Body Massage, Nasyam, Towel Steam

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Aastha Spa Location in Kolkata

Park Street :24 Park Street, Magma House Complex, Opposite Park Street, Kolkata, West Bengal 700016 ‎

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