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Ask Professional Beauty Parlour & Spa, Chintamani Square

About Ask Professional Beauty Parlour & Spa

Ask Professional Beauty Parlour & Spa is a one-stop salon for ladies in Bhubaneshwar. Offering exclusive services including types of facials, waxing, massages and more, the salon provides an environment where the clients can relax, unwind and feel revitalized. The salon is equipped with all the latest equipment and top-of-the-line beauty products. The staff is very friendly and ensures that the customers have an enriching experience. The salon maintains utmost standards of hygiene.

Ask Professional Beauty Parlour & Spa is the one-stop solution for all your beauty care needs such as Facial, Beauty Services, Hair Cut, Head Massage, Bleach. To get a better idea of the services offered and the price range, refer the rate card . Located in Chintamani Square, Ask Professional Beauty Parlour & Spa is a renowned beauty salon in Bhubaneswar.


Facial, Beauty Services, Hair Cut, Head Massage, Bleach

Known for

Ask Professional Beauty Parlour & Spa Beauty Deals


Rs 29 to get 55% off on beauty services.

Ask Professional Beauty Parlour & Spa Location in Bhubaneswar

Chintamani Square :452, Near Petrol Pump, Chintamani Square, Cuttack Road, Bhubaneswar, Orissa - 751006

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Disclaimer Note:- Rate-Card (including prices) for Ask Professional Beauty Parlour & Spa Chintamani Square may have changed since the last time the website was updated. does not guarantee the prices mentioned above. Any decision taken by the Ask Professional Beauty Parlour & Spa Chintamani Square regarding the price of its services is final. Images are for representation purpose only. Applicable taxes extra.