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About Attitude Women Salon

Attitude Women Salon, located at Sola, Ahmedabad, is one of the premier salons exclusively for women. In very plush surroundings, they offer the very latest skin and hair treatments and other beauty services like manicure, pedicure, waxing, facial, haircut and more. Each service is provided keeping in mind the skin-type and hair texture. They use the very best products in the market which are carefully handpicked for its quality and effectiveness.

Attitude Women Salon offers a wide range of salon services and has special expertise in facial, manicure, pedicure, haircut, hair spa, hair colour, hair rebonding, head massage, waxing. Refer to the rate card for more information about the services and pricing of the services offered. With its outlet located at Sola, Attitude Women Salon is a highly preferred beauty care destination in Ahmedabad.


Today: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM

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Monday: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Tuesday: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Wednesday: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Thursday: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Friday: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Sunday: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM


facial, manicure, pedicure, haircut, hair spa, hair colour, hair rebonding, head massage, waxing

Known for

Attitude Women Salon Location in Ahmedabad

Sola :Thaltej, Near Sola Bridge, 15, Ground Floor, Sundaram Arcade, Science City Road, Sola, Opposite Sukan Mall, Near US Pizza, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380060

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Disclaimer Note:- Rate-Card (including prices) for Attitude Women Salon Sola may have changed since the last time the website was updated. does not guarantee the prices mentioned above. Any decision taken by the Attitude Women Salon Sola regarding the price of its services is final. Images are for representation purpose only. Applicable taxes extra.