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Ayurdarsanam Ayurvedic Clinic, Vadavalli

About Ayurdarsanam Ayurvedic Clinic

Ayurdarsanam Ayurvedic Clinic is a well known ayurvedic clinic & health centre situated around Coimbatore. Running in Kerala since 10 years, the Coimbatore centre was initiated 3 years back. With all the latest facilities and technical advanced treatments, Ayurdarsanam Ayurvedic Clinic is now established in an independent three-floor building. The centre is located about 6 to 7 kilometres away from Coimbatore opposite to Annapoorna Masala Factory.

Located at Vadavalli, Ayurdarsanam Ayurvedic Clinic is a trustworthy spa in Coimbatore. With full range of body massage therapies, expert therapists and pleasant ambience Ayurdarsanam Ayurvedic Clinic has more than 15 services to offer. The spa specializes in Head Massage, Herbal Scrub Massage, Reflexology Massage, Mud Therapy, Milk Massage, Buttermilk Massage, Fruit Juice Massage, Honey Massage, Navarakizhi, Spine Therapy, Shirodhara, Facial, Beauty Mask, Manicure, Pedicure.


Head Massage, Herbal Scrub Massage, Reflexology Massage, Mud Therapy, Milk Massage, Buttermilk Massage, Fruit Juice Massage, Honey Massage, Navarakizhi, Spine Therapy, Shirodhara, Facial, Beauty Mask, Manicure, Pedicure

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Ayurdarsanam Ayurvedic Clinic Location in Coimbatore

Vadavalli :Norena Garden, Opposite Annapoorna Masala Factory, Vadavalli, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641041

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