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Dsen's Beauty Salon & Spa, Old Madras Road, Krishnamurti Nagar

About Dsen's Beauty Salon & Spa

Dsen's Beauty Salon & Spa has evolved during the course of time & offers a whole gamut of specialized hair and skin care services. Beauticians and skin technicians working here ensure that quality services are rendered to each customer. The place offers professional hair and skin services using quality and standardized products that suit every skin type. They boast of a team of young yet experienced skin experts, who constantly strive to provide best & dependable services.

Dsen's Beauty Salon & Spa is the one-stop solution for all your beauty care needs such as Facial, Beauty Services, Hair Cut, Head Massage, Bleach, Beauty Treatments, Hair Rebonding. To get a better idea of the services offered and the price range, refer the rate card . Located at Old Madras Road, Krishnamurti Nagar in Bangalore, Dsen's Beauty Salon & Spa is your next door salon for all your basic beauty needs.


Facial, Beauty Services, Hair Cut, Head Massage, Bleach, Beauty Treatments, Hair Rebonding

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Dsen's Beauty Salon & Spa Location in Bangalore

Old Madras Road, Krishnamurti Nagar :No. 45/1, Hotel KR Inn, Opposite Vengaiah Park, Old Madras Road, KR Puram, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560036

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Disclaimer Note:- Rate-Card (including prices) for Dsen's Beauty Salon & Spa Old Madras Road, Krishnamurti Nagar may have changed since the last time the website was updated. does not guarantee the prices mentioned above. Any decision taken by the Dsen's Beauty Salon & Spa Old Madras Road, Krishnamurti Nagar regarding the price of its services is final. Images are for representation purpose only. Applicable taxes extra.