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I Lounge - Kohinoor Asiana Hotel, Semmencherri

About I Lounge - Kohinoor Asiana Hotel

The secret of tranquility is unraveled when one steps into the comforting atmosphere of the lounge bar at Kohinoor Asiana Hotel, the i-Lounge. A perfect place to rejuvenate, the i-Lounge has the capacity to accommodate 85 guests. It has in store a wide variety of popular brands in domestic and international beverages, as well as a range of delightful cocktails. Adding to the smooth and relaxing ambience, is the music of our in house band from the Colombian, playing a variety of music from rock to jazz.

I Lounge - Kohinoor Asiana Hotel is located at Semmencherri in Chennai. If you are planning to enjoy Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Drinks, Dj, Beer, Pubs, Bars, Vodka, Whisky, Veg, Non Veg, Chicken, visit this place.


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Drinks, Dj, Beer, Pubs, Bars, Vodka, Whisky, Veg, Non Veg, Chicken

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I Lounge - Kohinoor Asiana Hotel Location in Chennai

Semmencherri :Kohinoor Asiana Hotel, Lobby Level, 1/238, IT Expressway, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Semmencherry, Chennai, Tamilnadu - 600119

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Disclaimer Note:- Rate-Card (including prices) for I Lounge - Kohinoor Asiana Hotel Semmencherri may have changed since the last time the website was updated. does not guarantee the prices mentioned above. Any decision taken by the I Lounge - Kohinoor Asiana Hotel Semmencherri regarding the price of its services is final. Images are for representation purpose only. Applicable taxes extra.