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Lee's Beauty Centre & Spa, Erandwane

About Lee's Beauty Centre & Spa

CIDESCO (ZURICH) P.G Spa , Diploma in Basic & Advance skin treatments & Aromatherapy treatments. Body Therapy Course, Body spa, Body Polishing, Advance Aromatherapy, Nail extension, Nail Art, done in VLCC. Cheryl’s Cosmeceuticals Diploma In Skin treatments. Media, Bridal Make – up from Mr. Vikram Gaikwad, Mr. Baba Meru, Sangita Salunke, Mr.Cory Walia, Mrs. Mithilesh Chouhan, Mrs. Archana Haria.Ayurvedic Skin & Hair Treatment also provided.

Located at Erandwane in Pune, Lee's Beauty Centre & Spa is a recognized spa. More than 8 spa therapies and treatments are provided by Lee's Beauty Centre & Spa with praiseworthy services for Hair care,Skin treatments,Hair spa,Waxing,Anti Ageing,Body polishing,Body Scrubbing,Deep Nourishment.


Hair care,Skin treatments,Hair spa,Waxing,Anti Ageing,Body polishing,Body Scrubbing,Deep Nourishment

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Lee's Beauty Centre & Spa Location in Pune

Erandwane :42/9 Kalpana Tarang, Flat No 101, Karve Road , Opposite Ranka Jewellers, Erandwane, Pune, Maharashtra - 411004

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