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Naturals, Urban Oasis Mall

About Naturals

These days’ looking well-groomed is no longer just about having a toned face or lustrous hair. It’s also about having well-nourished hands and feet. From the college going, working women, old aged ladies, manicure and pedicures have many takers in the city

Naturals has 74 outlets & one of them is located at Urban Oasis Mall. Naturals specializes in Hair Colour, Hair Cut, Hair Ironing, Rebonding, Facial, Nourished Hands and has more than 6 services to offer.


Hair Colour, Hair Cut, Hair Ironing, Rebonding, Facial, Nourished Hands

Known for

Naturals Beauty Deals


Get 35% off on Luxury Facial at Rs 10 at Naturals Beauty Salon

Naturals Location in Hubli

Urban Oasis Mall :Easy Day Market, Urban Oasis Mall, CTS4784/B, Gokul Road, Hubli, Karnataka - 580030

See all 74 outlets of Naturals See all Beauty deals in Urban Oasis Mall

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Disclaimer Note:- Rate-Card (including prices) for Naturals Urban Oasis Mall may have changed since the last time the website was updated. does not guarantee the prices mentioned above. Any decision taken by the Naturals Urban Oasis Mall regarding the price of its services is final. Images are for representation purpose only. Applicable taxes extra.