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Potli - The Astral Shop

About Potli - The Astral Shop

Welcome to Potli - The Astral Shop which is run by Mr Joy Dev, who is TCBA Certified Tarot Card Reader, Certified NLP Practitioner, QTC Coach, Hypnotherapist and Numerology Analyst practicing for the past many years. Potli brings you to the enchanting world of Crystals. The use of crystals for healing is an age old practice which in recent years has been reintroduced into the modern world and because of the amazing responses users are receiving, believers want to discover the effects for themselves. Non-believers want to believe so these people are eager to give it a try. Very often non-believers are converted to believers. Whether or not crystals can actually heal, the use of crystals has helped to heal and will continue to do so.le stones we stock are all natural minerals which have been tumble polished to a high degree to form attractive smooth rounded stones which are comfortable to hold and stimulating to the senses. For those who are not interested in crystal healing, there is still the desire to possess these aesthetically pleasing objects. An Engineer by training and a HR professional by choice, let Joydev accompany you to the mystic world of Tarot. A 79-card Tarot deck, which taps into your inner self and brings out the awareness and insight that we need to solve our problems and queries. He has been reading and teaching the tarot cards on a professional basis for many years now and has a wealth of experience and knowledge on how to interpret this ancient art. It is this clear and simple way of interpreting the cards, which he is humbly now offering to you as a Tarot teacher in his Tarot Card Classes.


Astrology, Tarot Card Reading

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