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Pushvilaas Villas Resort, Pushkar, Ajmer

About Pushvilaas Villas Resort

Pushkar the holy township in Rajasthan is one of its kind. It famed for its sacred lake and is considered the only shrine in India that is dedicated to Brahma, the lord of creation. The lively and melodious hymns ring through the air create an atmosphere of tranquil peace & solace.

Located in Pushkar, Ajmer, Pushvilaas Villas Resort is a trustworthy hotel. The spacious and well equipped rooms at Pushvilaas Villas Resort have all the the best in class amenities and services like Accommodation, Breakfast, Dine, Couple Stay, Deluxe Rooms.


Accommodation, Breakfast, Dine, Couple Stay, Deluxe Rooms

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Pushvilaas Villas Resort Travel Deals


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Pushvilaas Villas Resort Location in All India

Pushkar, Ajmer :Punchkund Road, Pushkar, Ajmer, Rajasthan - 305022

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Pushkar, Ajmer




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