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About Ritesh Gaikwad

If you are seeking absolute revitalisation of your mind, body and soul, then Ritesh Gaikwad Spa should be your destination.In today’s world, where mental stress and health issues combine to make our lives an unpleasant journey, Thai Spa has gained global popularity as a wonderful concept to help us relax, rekindle our potent energies, and also feel happy.

Ritesh Gaikwad is located at Kurla East in Mumbai. Ritesh Gaikwad provides about 5 spa therapies and specializes in Head Massage, Foot Reflex, Thai Massage, Swedish Massage, Body Massage.


Head Massage, Foot Reflex, Thai Massage, Swedish Massage, Body Massage

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Ritesh Gaikwad Location in Mumbai

Kurla East :Sable Nagar, Near Shivraj Seva Mandal, Near Lokmanya Terminal, Kurla East, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400024

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