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About Sai Abhi

Is your body a lot tierd , what about giving it an all new start, let the magic fingers play on you at Sai Abhi.

Sai Abhi is located at Peelamedu in Coimbatore. With full range of body massage therapies, expert therapists and pleasant ambience Sai Abhi has more than 7 services to offer. The spa specializes in Back Massage, Baliness Massage, Bleaching, Body Polishing, Body Wrap, Hand And Feet Massage, Reflexology.


Back Massage, Baliness Massage, Bleaching, Body Polishing, Body Wrap, Hand And Feet Massage, Reflexology

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Sai Abhi Location in Coimbatore

Peelamedu :26/2, Near PSG Hospital, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu - 641004

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