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Abad Turtle Beach, Mararikulam

About Abad Turtle Beach

Abad Turtle Beach is a renowned spa centre catering to an array of beautification makeovers and providing ace treatments. They believe that each one of us is worthy of living life at its best, and hence they help you achieve a serene lifestyle with the help of their multidisciplinary team which comprises of nutritionist, medical practitioners and physiotherapy practitioners.

Abad Turtle Beach is located at Mararikulam in Alappuzha. Abad Turtle Beach specializes in Ayurvedic Head Massage, Foot Massage, Hand Massage, Full Body Massage, Steam Bath, Facial and has more than 6 services on its menu.


Ayurvedic Head Massage, Foot Massage, Hand Massage, Full Body Massage, Steam Bath, Facial

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Abad Turtle Beach Location in Alappuzha

Mararikulam :Varankavala, Pollathai P.O. Mararikulam, Mararikulam, Alappuzha, Kerala - 688567

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