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Om's Dental Care & Implant Centre, Ghole Road

About Om's Dental Care & Implant Centre

Dr Sachin Katwe is a post graduate in dental surgery having specialized in the field on Periodontics. He holds a diploma in the field of implantology from Lille university (France). He has completed his diploma in Laser Dentistry with a vast clinical experience in the field. Dr Sachin Katwe has been into general dental practice since 1995 & has been practicing exclusive periodontology & implantology since 2007.He has a vast experience in practice of lasers related to periodontology ,implantology , aesthetic dentistry & other general dental procedures. Dr Katwe has conducted CDE ()lectures & hands on training programs at various IDA ( Indian Dental Associasion) events for clinical periodontology, implantology & lasers.


Scaling, Cleaning, Filling, Tooth Extraction, Dentures, Root Canal Treatment, Teeth Whitening, Bleaching, Night Guard, X-Ray, Dental Implants

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Om's Dental Care & Implant Centre Location in Pune

Ghole Road :Office No. 101, Second Floor, Amit Shreephal Apartments, Adjacent to Federal Bank, 1187/25 Ghole Road, Near Balgandharv Chowk, Pune, Maharashtra - 411005

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