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Orange ENT Care, Kakurgachi

About Orange ENT Care

The clinic is well equipped with all latest equipments for faster and smoother diagnosis and offers the world class Treatment facilities. The clinic has a well setup ENT Consultation Suite, a minor procedure room for Endoscopies and Nicroscopic examination and for short surgical procedures. It also has a Audiology Lab for different hearing assessment and Hearing-Aid trial and fittings. A well dedicated sleep lab adds yet another feather to the clinic with facility for Full Night PSG or Split Night PSG with CPAP trial and also for CPAP fittings.


Ear Specialist, Nose Specialist, Throat Specialist

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Orange ENT Care Location in Kolkata

Kakurgachi :30K, Ramkrishna Samadhi Road, Near Kakurgachi Bara Park, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700048

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