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Thaliaths Dental Clinic The Orthodontic Centre, Shanmugham Road

About Thaliaths Dental Clinic The Orthodontic Centre

We believe in providing excellent quality dental services with the help of our dental experts, our finest technology & equipment, our nurses and non-medical support staff. The Aesthetic & Lingual Orthodontic Clinic, The Paediatric Dental Clinic & Dental Sleep Medicine and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Clinic are our proud endeavours to provide world-class dental care to our patients.


Dental implant, RCT, Dentistry services, Tooth care

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Thaliaths Dental Clinic The Orthodontic Centre Location in Ernakulam

Shanmugham Road :High Court Jn, Lalan Towers, Shanmugham Road, Ernakulam, Kerala - 682031

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