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Trinetra Film Productions, Vaishali Nagar

About Trinetra Film Productions

Trinetra Film Productions & Film Institute is a bollywood based film production Company in India that offers a comprehensive range of cost effective production services to domestic & foreign film makers looking for line production services in India. At Trinetra Film Productions & Film Institute the international standards & quality results are our supreme priority, So far we have very successfully executed more than fifty national & international project filming in India and provide one stop solution to all your production coordination! All camera and grip rentals, location scouting services, filming permits, talent casting agency, hospitality, visa, logistic to ad agencies & film companies


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Trinetra Film Productions Location in Jaipur

Vaishali Nagar :Trinetra Film Productions , Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302021

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