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Velma & Yoga Shetra, Ponnaiah Rajapuram

About Velma & Yoga Shetra

Velma & Yoga Shetra is a premium health and fitness club that promotes well-being and a healthy lifestyle. They ensure that you exercise right according to your body type. If you are searching for a fitness club near you that offers complete health and fitness services.

Located in Ponnaiah Rajapuram, Velma & Yoga Shetra is a renowned for offering quality services in Coimbatore.


Aerobics, Yoga, Fitness Training, Loose Weight

Known for

Velma & Yoga Shetra Location in Coimbatore

Ponnaiah Rajapuram :18-J, Ramakrishnapuram, Near Petrol Pump, Ponnaiyarajapuram, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu - 641001

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Disclaimer Note:- Rate-Card (including prices) for Velma & Yoga Shetra Ponnaiah Rajapuram may have changed since the last time the website was updated. does not guarantee the prices mentioned above. Any decision taken by the Velma & Yoga Shetra Ponnaiah Rajapuram regarding the price of its services is final. Images are for representation purpose only. Applicable taxes extra.