Amar Yadav 's Deal Master Deals

User Rank : 101 Submitted Deals : 0 Approved Deals : 1

17 March 2017

I played poker at Adda52 for nearly 5 months and when I tried to cash out my rewards my account was shut down without prior intimidation. Since then I have quit that website. Even two friends of mine lost money in a similar manner on Adda52. I would suggest you to find a better poker website that is reliable. One such website is Khelplay; the website offer bitcoins to new users for free.
I have played on Khelplay several times and got my winnings in cash in my bank account within 3 days. Just once the payment was delayed. But the customer service contacted me and assured that there were some technical issues because of which the issue in payment delay happened. However, within the next 6 days I received my money and the customer service confirmed this with a call. I am glad to see that they care about the people associated with them. Also, I highly recommend Khelplay for first time poker players, as the website contains step by step ways to play various games like rummy, poker, razz, and more.
All in all, Khelplay is the only genuine online poker website in India with a transparent money transaction procedure and is backed with amazing customer service.