Grape Art Girl 's Deal Master Deals

User Rank : 101 Submitted Deals : 0 Approved Deals : 1

19 June 2017

Pizza as a food choice was not a big deal in India until the early 90s when Bollywood finally picked up on it, and made it cool. But even then, Pizzas were not the first choice.
The regular average Indian used to view pizzas as a once or twice a year event.
Dominos changed that, and Ajau Kaul was the man who drove that change. He was responsible for so many huge innovations. He made Dominos Pizza a brand to be reconned with. When he started out, in the late 90s, Dominos had 93 outlets. Right now, with 1062 outlets and growing, there's a Dominos Pizzeria every couple of blocks.

This rise in the pizza industry was what gave newer brands like Pizza Corner, Pizzahut, Papa John's, and the more recent Eagle Boys a fighting chance. And considering that Domino's Pizza is still a contender with a lion's share in pizza markets worldwide, I'd say Ajay Kaul did good.

Truth is, pizzas were something no one could afford, unless you were in the upper middle classes or higher up. There was a time when Pizzas were discussed only in fashion magazines, and among elite circles. There was no way anyone else could afford a pizza, unless you were rich enough. I mean, ten years back, I used to spend 500~600 just to get one large pizza, and there was no altrnate. It was a once a month thing, and I know the young 'uns don't even remember such a time.
Today, in under a 100 bucks, I can walk in at a Dominos Pizzeria and get myself a whole meal in under that number.

Which is what I did. And that's what I do all the time now. I was shameless; I went with a bunch of pals. We availed the "buy 1 get one 1 free' offer. We (me, wife, bf, his wife, two other guys frm work) got ourselves the new Andhra style Chilli Chicken and the plus one was South Zesty Veg pizza. We got another one, the Taco Mexicana. It was good, partly because of the extra cheese.
We added in two orders of garlic cheeze sticks, and pepsi, because you can't have pizza without pepsi.

The meal was pretty good. Waiters were polite, we got an umpteen number of seasoning packets.
Pizza is as always pizza, with that distinct taste you only associate with eating pizza, the melting cheese, the seasoning, the aftertasts of the pizza along with the pepsi fizz.......#bliss.

We'll always be back for more.